Cafe de Paris Cocktail

Let’s get straight to the recipe this time, so I can rant about this drink as soon as possible:

  • 1 jigger gin (1 1/2 oz Beefeater)
  • 1 tsp anis or anisette (1/2 tsp Luxardo Anisette)
  • 1/2 egg white
  • 1 tsp cream

Shake with ice. Serve in cocktail glass.

Even with less anisette than called for, this was an excruciatingly awful drink. My notes describe it as “a heavy mess of creamy, gin-ny, anise-y badness.”

According to Baker, “ladies like it!” I sincerely hope that I do not know any ladies who would willingly consume this fetid glass of slop.

Aggressively not recommended.

Cafe de Paris Cocktail: ★☆☆☆☆ 

One Response to “Cafe de Paris Cocktail”

  1. Dion says:

    Baker has a serious problem, and I’m not just talking about run on sentences; his infatuation with egg white drinks that don’t have citrus. It’s a strange reoccurring theme in this book (wait til you hit the “Million Dollar Cocktail #1&2!). Just an opinion, but it’s hard to believe that the public palate of the 1920’s was so liquor thirsty as to be tricked into enjoying some of these. I feel for you in your quest to unlock the secrets of prohibition era cocktails. God speed.

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